Through the release of a heartwarming video from the Lunn family and close friends, the opening weekend of the Jordie Lunn Bike Park was kicked off on May 28 and cycling enthusiasts from across the local region came to experience North America's newest bike park over the weekend.
As early as 6:30 am, kids started lining up at the Pump Track, Skill Zone, and Jump Zone. By early afternoon, the area was buzzing with cycling enthusiasts of all ages and abilities. Some of the Island's best dirt jumpers took their skills to the signature Jordie Lunn Pro Line and wowed onlookers as they took to the air and defied gravity. During the late dusk hours, riders were still buzzing around the park, not aware of time passing by, and still having a blast.
The park opening is the successful outcome of a 1.5 year collaborative effort by the City of Langford Council & Mayor, City Staff, Contractors, Community Groups, and Volunteers who have put their maximum effort to providing a world class outdoor recreation facility.
Phase 2 of the park is underway with the building of enduro mountain bike trails located south of the park on 3.5 acres of land donated by the Westhills Land Corporation.
A larger celebration of the opening of the park is anticipated later in June with more details to come from the City of Langford.
Media Coverage:
CTV Vancouver Island
Chek News
Times Colonist
Canadian Cycling Magazine